Project: Gardening
May 2018: Catherine Dobbie met with Paul Martin, Argyll and Bute Council in January to discuss possibility of volunteer gardeners weeding the landscaped area adjacent to the bus terminus. This…
A voice for Campbeltown
May 2018: Catherine Dobbie met with Paul Martin, Argyll and Bute Council in January to discuss possibility of volunteer gardeners weeding the landscaped area adjacent to the bus terminus. This…
Campbeltown Community Council (CCC) has successfully secured funding to carry out urgent conservation and repair works on Campbeltown Cross and its immediate surrounds. The Cross is the finest surviving example…
Campbeltown Community Council Meeting – 10th March 2020 7:30pm at Campbeltown Town Hall Welcome – A Baker (Chairperson) welcomed everyone to the March meeting of Campbeltown Community council. In Attendance:…