By virtue of its exposed west coast location and its valuable wind resource, Kintyre was one of the earliest locations to be considered for the exploitation of wind energy, with the first permission for a commercial wind farm having been granted at Tangy in 1994. At present there are nine wind farms in Kintyre, with around 150 turbines generating power.
Campbeltown Community Council, East Kintyre Community Council and West Kintyre Community Council have established a Community Benefit Society, Lussa Community Wind Limited to support the local communities of Campbeltown, East Kintyre and West Kintyre.
Campbeltown Community Council established a charitable fund Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund to receive and dispense any monies received from the local wind farms.
Campbeltown Community Council also has an agreement in place with East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group Ltd. (EKREG Ltd.), who will take the lead and explore community shared ownership (CSO) opportunities in new/repowered local wind farm developments.
Campbeltown CC was pleased to receive a share of the Community Benefit Funds distributed by Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) following the commissioning of Beinn an Tuirc 3 Windfarm. This is administered by Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund.
Grants for capital or revenue funding may be available to charities and community groups within the Campbeltown area. Next disbursement of funds will take place in November 2024.
An advert should be placed in Campbeltown Courier 4th October 2024;
Applications should be in by 25th October 2024.
Date of next meeting: Monday 11th November 2024
Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund (CCWF) Charity No. SC050831 |
CCWT Trustees:
Alan Baker
Lesley Black
Alasdair Cousin
Catherine Dobbie
Ann Gallacher
Catherine Anne MacAulay
Registered with OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Its registered name is Campbeltown Community Windfarm Trust (CCWF) and the charity number is SCO50831.
Contact us for more details.