May 2018:

Catherine Dobbie met with Paul Martin, Argyll and Bute Council in January to discuss possibility of volunteer gardeners weeding the landscaped area adjacent to the bus terminus. This had been landscaped when Kinloch Road was upgraded but Argyll and Bute Council do not maintain it apart from grass cutting. After several months Campbeltown Community Council got the go ahead and started weeding once a week with 4 volunteers. The Community Council paid for some rockery plants.

In April 2019 gardening was started again with several more volunteers. Also a boat was acquired to use as a planter and it was installed opposite Dellwood Hotel. Argyll and Bute Council gave us leftover flowers and a good display was created. In autumn, the boat was planted with 250 tulips funded by Community Council.

Update March 2020:

Catherine Dobbie met with Sandra Spence and colleagues from Community Garden and agreed to work together on this but work hasn’t started due to Covid-19 virus.