empty meeting room

Campbeltown Community Council Meeting – 10th March 2020

7:30pm at Campbeltown Town Hall

Welcome – A Baker (Chairperson) welcomed everyone to the March meeting of Campbeltown Community council.

In Attendance:

 – CCC

 – CCC

 – CCC

 – CCC
 – CCC

 – CCC
 – CCC

 – CCC

 – CCC

 – CCC

 – CCC
M. BALILIE – Police Scotland


J. Woods, H O’Hanlon

Declaration of Interest:


Minutes of Last Meeting(s) Proposed By: A. Martin Seconded By: C. Dobbie

Matters Arising:

The Chair informed the Community Council that Councillor Colville’s wife had passed away; the Community Council sends their deepest sympathy to Councillor Colville at this sad time.

Dalintober School:

A motion was raised by Cllrs Armour and Kelly for a full inspection of the building, which was approved, and a condition survey will be brought forward, Cllr Armour fells that it should not have got to this stage. 
Roads – In the Capital programme for this year the only two areas that will be carried out in South Kintyre lighthouse road to the Mull of Kintyre and an area at Saddell but no work to be carried out in Campbeltown itself.


The road entering / leaving the town from the Call Centre it has been admitted that it is the worst stretch on the A82/A83 and should be completed by OCT 2020 but in the meantime, there will be some repairs

Campbeltown Cross Project:

Still waiting to hear from Historic Scotland regarding our application.

Local Development Plan:

CCC will take this onboard as SKDT has not produced either a survey or a plan.

Police Scotland Report:

From the 11/2 – 10/03/20 there were 72 incidents and 16 crime reports.

Special Constable Recruitment – advert on Argyll FM.
New Sgt, Officers & Staff due to start end of March/ Start of April which leaves only one vacancy at the current time to be filled.

There has been no uptake on use of office space in the police station from other Agencies such as Coast Guard and Ambulance Service.

Of the 16 crimes the breakdown is as follows:

1 Fraud
, 1 Attempt Fraud, 
3 Thefts, 
2 Telecommunication offences, 
1 common assault, 
1 drugs possession, 
1 disorder offence, 
1 urinating in public, 
1 possession of an offensive weapon, 1 vandalism
 and 3 road traffic related offences.

Argyll & Bute Council Report:

Street lighting:

There has been a lot of complaints about this. The Council were waiting until the end of the LED upgrade program rather than repair those reported. This has now changed and repairs have priority.


The recent report poor; Cllr Armour has met with the Headteacher and the Councils head of education and things are looking more positive. The Education Inspectorate will be coming back in the autumn, but ABC will have a review before then. Things are progressing and support measures are in place.

Council Tax:

This will be rising by 4.5%

The council is looking into offering public conveniences which are not regularly used to community groups to take on the running of them. This has been done successfully in other councils but at the moment no toilets will be closed. 
Patrol crossings are not being cut from the budget. 
The helipad at the Hospital is to go in for planning permission and should take 5 months to complete.
McFadyen’s has been sub contracted and licences for the Helipad are being sorted by SKDT.

Treasurer’s Report:

Main Account: £15,354.64

£2,800 from SSE (received after 6th attempt) 
SSE Grant has been advertised and AG, AM and CAM will form the funding committee with the closing date for applicants the 10th April 2020.

Quesada Memorial Fund: £510


 Wednesday 16th March meeting with East Kintyre Re windfarms.

The new CC website will be built by a local company called Blue Dolphin IT at a cost of £295.

SKDT AGM – 18th March – Alan to attend- and will bring up the moving around of bookings for CCC.

Local Planning group Jason to apply.

Any questions regarding Kintyre Care Home can contact Jason directly.

MAKI meeting regarding dementia – SB attended presentation available from him

Report back from other groups:

Tenants Association – SB – working on housing to 2040 asking for no new 1 bed flats and must be affordable

Any Other Business:

MACC – Hydrogen gas projects have been shelved and have gone to the East Coast, only 4 members are left at CS Wind.

Public Questions:

Member of the Public asked about installing self-funding telescopes at the ferry terminal and about getting the fountain and beacon working again.

Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 14th April 2020 – AGM