Inaugural Meeting of the Campbeltown Community Council held in the Town Hall, Campbeltown on Tuesday 25 October 2022
Minutes (to be approved)
David Allen Victoria MacBrayne
Catherine Dobbie Archibald Martin
Ann Gallacher James Martin
Kristin Gillies Ian Mitchell
Elizabeth Glendinning Valerie Nimmo
Shona Barton (on behalf of the Returning Officer):
- Shona Barton, on behalf of the Returning Officer, welcomed all to the meeting.
- An apology for absence was received from John Biggins.
- There were no declarations of interest.
- It was agreed to appoint Valerie Nimmo as Convener of the Community Council.
- It was agreed to continue appointment of a Vice Convener to the next meeting.
- It was agreed to continue appointment of a Secretary to the next meeting to allow clarification to be sought on whether an external Secretary can be engaged to deal with correspondence, minutes etc. It was noted in the meantime that all correspondence should be sent to the Convener.
- It was agreed to appoint Ann Gallacher as Treasurer.
- It was agreed that appointments of specialist administrators would be as follows:- Planning and Licensing – Victoria MacBrayne
- The community council considered and adopted the Model Constitution.
- The community council considered and adopted the Model Standing Orders
- The community council considered and adopted the Best Practice Agreement.
- Shona Barton highlighted a range of governance issues including timescales for issue of agenda and minutes; the co-option process; forming committees; information on complaints processes and the process sanctions; Data Protection and training opportunities.
- The date of the next meeting will be on 8th November 2022 at 7.30pm within the Town Hall and thereafter meetings would be held monthly (except in the months of July and August) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.