empty meeting room




Campbeltown Town Hall



V.Nimmo, Chairperson, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  1. Nimmo CCC

A Gallagher             CCC

I Mitchell                 CCC

J Martin  CCC

A Martin CCC

J Biggins CCC

F Macpherson       Secretary

Cllr J Armour          A&B Council

Sgt E Ross                Police Scotland



E Glendinning        CCC

C Dobbie                  CCC

A Baker                     CCC

D Allen                      CCC

K Gillies                    CCC

Cllr T Macpherson                 A&B Council



Declaration of Interest – None




There was a typo in the date of the meeting. F Macpherson to correct.


Cllr D Kelly had asked for two points to be highlighted:

He had given apologies for missing the last meeting to C. Dobbie

Remarks from Cllr T Macpherson re contacting Cllr Kelly regarding Windfarm funding were incorrect. It was agreed that this was a matter between the two Councillors.




No members of the public were present


Regarding EV Charging points  raised by MoP Martin Fraser at the previous meeting: CCC had contacted the relevant departments at A&B Council and had received a response. F Macpherson to share response with M. Fraser with assurances that the matter is still ‘live’.




Sergeant Elaine Ross updated CCC on various current issues:

Shoplifting: There has been a marked increase in shoplifting within the town. Police are currently liaising with shopkeepers and are anticipating being in a position to take action without much delay.

Drugs/Substance Abuse: There is a worsening local situation, particularly with Cocaine usage. This reflects national trends and local police are doing everything in their power to address this situation. However, manpower remains a challenge. Local police are also endeavouring to have support of a sniffer dog team but again are hindered by national levels of availability.


Police Manning Levels: Sgt Jon Watson has transferred to Dumbarton, leaving only two sergeants locally – Sgts Elaine Ross and Karen Cairns. On a positive note, local recruitment has been good, with one candidate due to start training at Tulliallan and two others joining the local fore shortly.





White Hart Hotel and Old Post Office:  The owner of the White Hart has now agreed to carry out the remedial work to ensure the integrity of the building and public safety. Barriers have been put in place around the building. There was general discussion regarding the ownership of the building and how this might affect current and future maintenance. Cllr Armour also confirmed that there was also some progress towards a solution to the Old Post Office the associated grounds to the rear which are equally unmaintained.


Meadows Playing Field: This will be reinstated following the the work that has now been completed. However, there are concerns from local residents and users of the facility regarding access on to pitch and requests have been made regarding some temporary  measure to provide safe interim access.


Relocation of Glass Recycling Bins: There is an issue with the location of the community glass recycling bins being too close to the playing fields, resulting in a risk of injury to users of the skatepark and football pitches due to bottles being smashed and left in the vicinity. The bins were supposed to have been moved back to their original location at Kintyre Park.  This matter has also been raised by a member of the community in a letter to CCC.


Cllr Armour has already raised the matter with A&B Council and asked for the bins to be relocated. He will keep CCC informed of progress. F Macpherson will respond accordingly to the MoP letter received.


Campbeltown Grammar School: David Mitchell, Dunoon Grammar School, and who until recently was also caretaker Head of CGS, has been nominated as Headteacher of the Year and has been selected as one of t he finalists. The outcome will be announced early June at an awards ceremony in Glasgow.


The vacancy for a full-time Head for CGS is still pending and will hopefully be resolved soon.


Environmental: Campbeltown has not escaped the increasing national problem of disposable plastic vapes being discarded carelessly CCC would support the introduction of a ban on these items.


Roads: Cllr Armour confirmed that all roads that have been affected by the Flood Protection Scheme works will be fully renewed and reinstated.




Main Account:      £11901.79 (£5000 for footpath) less some small bills/expenses from Coronation Picnic

Quesada Fund       £510

CCWT:                       £50,421.19


Applications for funding are beginning to come in and it was agreed that CCC should ask for a further £5000 to assist.





  • Various items of correspondence around the visit to Campbeltown of the yacht, Novara Icebreaker which was facilitated by Mairi Stonehouse from Scottish Communities Climate Action Network. The visit included the opportunity for local residents to visit the yacht and attend various events including climate actions related screenings at the cinema. The purpose of the yacht’s journey is to encourage communities to link to each other to meet the challenges of climate change.
  • £500 donation to CCC funds has been received from Tesco
  • V. Nimmo had attended a MAKI meeting and noted that her contributions to the meeting had not been recorded in the minutes. The consensus was that she should raise this and ensure the minutes reflected her contributions.
  • A&B Council had replied to the letter sent by CCC following Martin Fraser’s question about EV Charging Points. A copy of the correspondence will be sent to Martin and CCC will continue to pursue/monitor the position with A&B Council.
  • There has also been reports about confusion at the roundabout at the foot of Main Street with visitors to the town turning right at the Royal Hotel, missing the roundabout entirely. A&B Council are already addressing concerns about the general traffic management in the town centre, and this should be added to this.
  • Forestry: Notification regarding Bengullion where the Larch trees will go out this winter. There has also been objection to the Forestry Commission plans to charge the public for using car parks to visit the Forest walks. Apart from the proposed charge for using the walks, there is also concern that the proposal is for payment to be made via mobile phone which will not be possible in some of the area de to poor mobile coverage in the area. CCC will monitor progress on this.
  • It was agreed that CCC would fund three flashing speed reminders around the town to help deter speeding.




The sun shone, the event went ahead and was well attended. Feedback has been very positive with families enjoying the entertainment, and enjoying an alcohol-free event for all generations. CCC members attending were very happy with attendance levels and to note that virtually no rubbish was left behind!


Thank-you letters will be sent to all those contributing to the day, and a donation of £50 made to the local RNLI branch for providing First Aid services for the event.




Plans for improving the pathway from Trench Point are progressing as follows:

  • V.Nimmo has requested information from A&B Council about what planning permissions, if any, might be required.
  • A Baker has asked McFayden’s for a quote
  • CCC has applied for additional funding from Crown Estate Monies but has yet to have confirmation.


AOB: Nothing within CCC remit


Next Meeting: 13 JUNE 2013