empty meeting room




Campbeltown Town Hall



V.Nimmo, Chairperson, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


V Nimmo CCC

A Gallagher             CCC

C Dobbie                  CCC

I Mitchell                 CCC

J Martin                    CCC

F Macpherson       Secretary

Cllr J Armour          A&B Council



E Glendinning        CCC

A Baker                     CCC

D Allen                      CCC

K Gillies                    CCC

Cllr D Kelly              A&B Council



Declaration of Interest – None




It was noted that A Martin and J Biggins had resigned for personal reasons, with immediate effect following the previous meeting in May. The June meeting had been cancelled due to lack of availability of CCC members.




No members of the public were present




It was noted that significant police action was underway in the town and that during a raid on property in Shore Street, Police had seized cocaine to the value of c£25k, considerable sums of cash and a gold bar. The main suspect escaped, and police searches were ongoing.  CCC members were happy to see the local police getting the much-needed support from Police Scotland in this achievement.




White Hart Hotel and Old Post Office:  Work has commenced on this interior, with contractors attending to windows and other work to secure the building. Exterior work has been delayed due to the adjacent flood remedial work, however this is to commence shortly as soon as scaffolding can be erected.

The owners are in discussion with adjacent Barochan and Flemings Land residents regarding the scope of the work to be undertaken. It was noted that there are still concerns from Flemings Land owners regarding the scope of the work required to ensure the safety of their properties.

Hall Street:  The flooding issue has been addressed, but remedial works are to commence to correct the surface colouring to match the opposite side of the carriageway. In response to a question regarding the continuing flooding at the Job Centre end of the road, Cllr Armour will raise the matter with the appropriate department


Burnside Square:  Burnside Street is now fully open to pedestrians and traffic but there is no update as to when the Square itself will be completed and fully open, nor have there been any further updates regarding the positioning (and indeed, supply) of the planters and trees to replace those that were removed to allow the flood prevention works. Cllr Armour has been waiting since he start of the year for communication from both the Council and contractors regarding this.


V.Nimmo stated that her last communication from the council was via a letter of 8th March from Mark Calder (Project Manager) regarding the completion dates by the contractors and that he would share the plans for the restoration of the square thereafter. No further updates have been received from him on this matter.


It was agreed that a letter would be sent to him by CCC requesting an urgent update and consultation before any final decisions were made by A&B Council.


Relocation of Glass Recycling Bins:   The bins have now been moved to a more suitable location nearby and are being monitored, with no further incidences of vandalism. Cllr Armour was thanked for his part in pushing this forward.


Campbeltown Grammar School:  A new Interim Head of School has been appointed, to commence at the start of the new school year. While there is general disappointment that a permanent Head has yet to be found, it is understood that the incoming Interim is an experienced, respected Head Teacher who will hopefully continue to progress and improve secondary education within Kintyre.


Provost’s Certificate: With the support of A&B Council, Provost Maurice Corry has launched this initiative across Argyll & Bute to recognise community spirit and those individuals and groups who contribute to this w. Nominations are now open to the public and can be made all year round via the application forms which can be obtained by contacting membersevicesteam@argyll-bute.gov.uk


Campbeltown Picture House: It was noted that the cinema has won the Members Vote Award at the 2023 A&B Council Sustainable Design Awards.


A&B Council Budget:  The Council now has a new tool online that allows members of the public to access a budget simulator where they can see the services where savings could be made and where there are options where council revenue could be increased through council taxes or fees for services. The objective is to give communities the opportunity to tell the council what their priorities are. The simulator will be open until 11 August. Cllr Armour’s view is that it seems quite complicated to use.


This led into a general discussion about the Council, in particular about its levels of communication with various groups such as Community Councils, with the general view that these could be improved. Cllr Armour highlighted that MAKI meetings were open to the public.





Main Account:      £13,935.70  (£5000 for footpath) Also includes £3127.31 to move to CCWF

Quesada Fund       £510

CCWF:                       £16,266.59  (£33,450 grant awards made and ££82,387.57 due to be received in the next 2 weeks)



There had been a report about some damage to the Quesada Memorial and Willie Ross has been asked to examine it and assess if any repairs were required.


Grant awards were distributed across a total of 32 community requests.


There was a general discussion about funding issues including the feasibility of retaining a percentage of monies in a separate Emergency Fund. Concern was also raised by the failure of some of the Energy companies to fulfil their obligations regarding funding. Fuller discussion required at a later date.


McKellar Confectionary had waived their bill for sweets for prizes at the Coronation picnic. Letter of thanks to be sent Secretary.





Key points:

  • CCC AGM minutes to be re-sent to Community Council Liaison Officer
  • Jubilee Path: JA Mitchell (Springbank) have committed to contributing to the completion costs.
  • Most correspondence has been regarding permissions for the Jubilee Path and the Speed Restriction Signage which are now included as separate issues below.





V.Nimmo had requested information from A&B Council about what planning permissions, if any, might be required. This now appears to be much more complicated and expensive than originally anticipated.

  • The original plan had been for a 2m wide path. However, to qualify as a cycle path, it needs to be a minimum of 2.5m
  • This would entail extending into adjoining, privately owned land with associated legal costs etc.
  • Regarding the bridge replacement, this would require Planning Permission with anticipated costs of c£6,500.
  • CCC are hopeful of receiving Crown Estate Funding





V.Nimmo has applied for funding for the signs and has been asked to provide more details mainly regarding siting of signs, running costs and maintenance. After discussion, V. Nimmo will now write to BEAR Scotland regarding signage outwith the town boundaries, and A&B Council within the boundaries.


  1. AOB


  • Coronation Flags – Jim Martin to speak to George Rahman about removing the town flags as the are now mostly damaged by weather.
  • CalMac – There has been a recent issue with CalMac phones not being answered, or on permanent divert to unanswered numbers. F Macpherson to write to CalMac
  • Climate Action: F Macpherson attended a ScotGov workshop in Campbeltown as part of the latest push on Climate Change Action. The theme seemed to clash with the existing role we have as part of the Climate Action Towns initiative, and when asked about this, the ScotGov representative was unwilling to discuss. FM had attended in a private capacity, but it was now agreed that she should write formally to request clarity on the situation and to request transcripts as there had been insufficient handouts on the day.
  • Scottish Women’s Convention – V Nimmo had attended this meeting in Campbeltown and passed on information regarding concerns raised that it was becoming apparent that younger women were increasingly regarded as the highest risk target for drug dealers.
  • Flood Prevention Measures – I. Mitchell asked if any other plans were in place for Kilkerran Road and when road markings would be completed for Burnside Street. Cllr Armour noted his comments
  • J Martin commented on the resurfacing work undertaken by the contractors after the Flood Prevention works. The materials used are of a much higher quality than normally seen in works completed by A&B Council and he hoped this improvement would be picked up and continued by the Council. Cllr Armour noted these comments.
  • C Dobbie asked that the work done by Alistair Armour in maintaining and enhancing the various flower borders within the town should be noted. His efforts have been outstanding and commented on by locals and visitors alike. Cllr Armour agreed and noted her comments.
  • J Martin asked if any members were available to act as a CCC representative with MACC as the Directors were keen to have more local involvement. Anyone interested should contact MACC.
  • V Nimmo asked for a volunteer to act as chair for the September and October Meetings as she will not be available.
  • Following the distribution of the Proposal for Co-option paperwork, F Macpherson was formally proposed by V.Nimmo, seconded by C.Dobbie and formally accepted onto the Council.




Next Meeting: 12 Sept 2013 (after summer break)