Campbeltown Community Council
Minutes of Meeting 13/8/24
held in Campbeltown Town Hall
Present: V Nimmo (Chair), C Dobbie ( Minutes ), A Baker, A Gallacher, I Mitchell, C McCulloch, E Glendinning, E Grabowska, J Martin, Cllr J Armour
Apologies: D Allen, K Gillies, Cllr T MacPherson
Welcome: V Nimmo welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Declarations of Interest: None
- Minutes of last meeting 12/6/24
The minutes were agreed as accurate and proposed by A Baker, seconded by A Gallacher.
- Matters arising
- Jubilee Coastal Path- V Nimmo to submit for SURF award by 2/9/24.
- E Spence from SKDT wasn’t informed of change of meeting date and will hopefully attend next meeting on 10/9/24 to update on progress with the Community Action Plan including the provision of waste disposal.
- Planters in Burnside Square not been removed. C Dobbie suggested CCC offer to fund suitable trees to be planted. Agreed.
- MACC representative from CCC. No one came forward.
- Loganair – still awaiting response to request for statistics re flights cancelled to and from Glasgow this year.
- Public Questions
- Police Report
Report received by email. Majority of members did not find this informative/useful and would prefer attendance at meetings
- Councillor’s Report
Cllr Armour raised the following:
- HERAS fencing around White Hart Hotel belongs to owner. Cllr Armour has been told that the building has been made safe and that this should be removed. He is following this up.
- Esplanade has finally been resurfaced. Ongoing resurfacing taking place in Calton/ Meadows housing schemes. Footway repairs underway.
- Old Quay Harbour wall repairs work by Dawson Wam progressing well.
- MAKI new parking warden still to be appointed.
- Bengullion Rd glass recycling bins now have fence surrounding to prevent bins being tipped.
- A83 – excessive number of road closures on trunk road this summer have been badly planned and amnesties have not been coordinated. The 926 service has been delayed too often and BEAR Scotland need to consider this.
Action: Cllr Armour meeting with Council Officers and Traffic Scotland to sort for future works.
CCC members raised the following with Cllr Armour:
- Complaints received from Stewarton residents about length of time Scottish Water is taking to install new water pipe.
Action: CCC to write to Scottish Water.
- Bus Shelter @ Meadow Park still not been reinstated. Cllr T MacPherson supposed to deal with this as per previous minute of CCC meeting on 12/4/24:
“Member of public had asked Cllr T MacPherson re reinstatement of shelter at Meadowpark and was disappointed by his response. An email sent by Cllr T MacPherson today to CCC states that shelter should be in place in June, but not clear of how many and their siting. Should be one in Meadowpark and Meadows Ave.”
- Complaints received from residents at Limecraigs houses beneath CGS grounds. Grounds are not being maintained, weeds etc are spreading and residents have to go into school grounds to strim.
Action: Cllr Armour to contact Council
- Treasurer’s Report
Main account £16,715.63 (includes £1152 for replacement of Quesada plaque, £1473 for Town Centre Maintenance materials)
Quesada £510
CCWF £98,064.27
Funding for Jubilee Coastal path is in excess of costs. It was agreed that the path will need twice yearly strimming and an advert will be put out to tender. Once contract agreed, a refund to CCWF will be agreed.
Action: V Nimmo and A Baker to draw up advert.
- Correspondence
All correspondence circulated to members including replies from letter sent to Bank of Scotland by V Nimmo re closure of Campbeltown branch in October.
- An invite will be issued to the new area manager of Campbeltown and Islay Hospitals to attend next meeting on 10Sep.
- V Nimmo attended recent AGM of Lussa Wind.
Plans for Clachaig Glen windfarm by RWE might make Community Shared Ownership possible. SSE Renewables are seeking permission to build windfarm at Dalrioch. The repowering of Tangy windfarm with fewer, higher turbines is to start in 2026/27 giving a possible £800,000 pa community benefits.
- Campbeltown Pharmacy
912 responses were received by NHS Highland re the proposal to open a new pharmacy in Campbeltown. This is the highest ever response per head of population to any consultation in NHS Highland. Next step involves NHS to write a report which goes to a hearing. Rep from CCC to attend along with Cllr J Armour.
- Town Centre Maintenance Officer in post and making good progress.
- G Rahman want to organize event in 2025 to mark the end of WW2. Afternoon tea boxes were suggested.