Campbeltown Community Council
Minutes of Meeting 14/11/23
held in Campbeltown Town Hall
Present: V Nimmo ( Chair) C Dobbie ( Minutes ), J Martin, A Baker, A Gallacher, I Mitchell,
E Glendinning, Cllr J Armour.
Also in attendance H Jones, Local Community Garden Coordinator SKDT, L Coyle volunteer.
Apologies: D Allen, K Gillies, Cllr T MacPherson, Cllr J Kelly.
It was noted that F MacPherson has resigned from CCC due to poor health and V Nimmo will write to thank her for her involvement and support over the past few months.
Declarations of Interest: None
Minutes of last meeting 10/10/23
D Allen added to the list of apologies for the last meeting.
Item 2 amended as follows:
J Martin distributed copies of Code of Conduct for Community Councillors before reading a statement written by V Nimmo in relation to numerous emails written by I Mitchell direct to Council Officers and copied to all members of CCC and others.
CCC members expressed serious concerns about these emails and I Mitchell’s disregard for the views of other members. After lengthy discussion the members present insisted unanimously that I Mitchell should not address emails to Council Officers as a member of CCC as he does not represent their views.
Action: I Mitchell should make it clear in all correspondence with Council Officers that he is writing in a private capacity.
The minutes were proposed by J Martin and seconded by A Gallacher and agreed.
- Matters arising
V Nimmo contacted ACHA and Fyne Homes in relation to Argyll and Bute’s Housing Emergency declaration and was supplied with the following information:
ACHA had 6 homes available to let (this changes day by day)
Fyne Homes had 0 properties to let.
Remembrance Day: V Nimmo thanked E Glendinning for laying the wreath at the Remembrance Day Parade on behalf of the CCC.
Democracy Matters: See later
Letters of thanks: V Nimmo to write
- Kintyre Growing Project
H Jones explained the background to address local concerns about the Gateway Garden. ACHA owns the land and have leased this to SKDT on an annual basis. However a five year lease has been agreed which enables plans to be made. £37,000 funding has been secured to employ 4 people part time until end Feb 24. Architecture and Design Scotland have been involved in relation to Campbeltown’s status as a Climate Action Town and have helped to develop the concept of creating community growing areas in raised beds and a small poly tunnel with seating areas. 10 various local organisations have already expressed an interest in owning raised beds and the area will be fenced and hedged with Dawson Wam creating paths as a community benefit. SKDT have applied for further funding for 12 months for 1 post, possible job sharing. SKDT have also opened the putting green on Quarry green and created a herb garden.
L Coyle explained he was developing a green online map of Campbeltown, highlighting locations linked to climate action.
V Nimmo thanked both for their input and wished them all the best with their plans.
- Police Report
This was submitted by Sgt K Cairns via email. No matters were discussed.
- Councillor’s Report
Roads: Update on A815 – Kilmelford bridge has been repaired, hillside above Ardfern still has precarious huge boulders, road to be re-routed, possibly open in December.
Benmhor St pavement resurfaced, Stewart Rd speed bumps have been replaced.
Hall St pavement and pedestrian crossings on Aqualibrium Ave – Transport Scotland to address in 24/25.
White lines not finished around town after resurfacing works.
Flooding at foot of Main St outside TOFFS, gully not connected, Scottish Water been informed.
Ralston Rd flooding
Proposed plans for Council’s roads 24/25 do not include Esplanade. Next meeting in December, Action: Cllr Armour to raise this.
Bus terminal still problem with young people congregating although CCTV has helped. Vandalism at Kintyre Park. Jocks Boat disabled swing has been damaged.
Funding coming soon for playparks.
Garden waste bin at the Roading- waiting on reply from RENEWI
AG: issues re CGS. Cllr Armour attends CGS Parent Council meetings and these have not been raised there.
JM: 3 street lights out in Main St, Alan one at Ardshiel. Use portal to report.
AB: Barriers around White Hart Hotel keep falling down- dangerous
Action: Cllr Armour to investigate
- Treasurer’s Report
Main account £10,393.02 ( includes £5,000 for path)
Quesada account £510
CCWF Trustees met last night and agreed to grants totalling £36,721.04
Remaining balance £62,941.63 – will be required for disbursement in May/June 2024.
- Correspondence
Community Resilience Planning- passed to SKDT.
Breakerie Windfarm consultation- response to V Nimmo by 14Dec
Killean Windfarm – public meeting to be held tomorrow at Tayinloan Village Hall, individual feedback welcome can be submitted by 15Dec.
MAKI meeting minutes circulated. VN attended. C’town has lower life expectancy than any other area in MAKI, linked to deprivation.
Letter of congratulations sent to J Kelly on her appointment as Cllr. She and Cllr Armour will alternate meetings.
Cllr MacPherson – see email re seating at Burnside Sq.
Monday Social Club sent cheque to CCC for £50, unanimously agreed to return this.
- Democracy Matters
Scottish Government is carrying out this national consultation containing 16 questions for communities to consider future local democratic systems and processes, including the role of Community Councils.
It was agreed to hold a joint meeting with other South Kintyre Community Councils and to advertise to the general public. Tuesday,16 January in the Town Hall date chosen, 7pm?
Action: V Nimmo to invite other South Kintyre CCs.
Path update: Quotes have been submitted to A&B Council, now awaiting grant agreement form then work can commence.
Planning Applications: AG sending out weekly but if there are none within our area, no info received.
AB: War Memorial in Oban has been recognised by Historical Environment Scotland as a listed building
Action: V Nimmo to find out if Campbeltown’s War Memorial is recognised.
Remembrance Poppy Wreaths: JM/ Cllr Armour asked if CCC would fund a grill/ guard to stop poppy wreaths being blown away. Agreed.