Campbeltown Community Council
Minutes of Meeting 12/12/23
held in Campbeltown Town Hall
Present: V Nimmo ( Chair) C Dobbie ( Minutes ), J Martin, A Baker, A Gallacher, E Glendinning, D Allen, Cllr J Kelly.
Also in attendance: M Robertson, S McMillan
Apologies: K Gillies, I Mitchell, Cllr T MacPherson
Welcome: V Nimmo congratulated Cllr J Kelly and welcomed her, M Robertson and S McMillan to the meeting.
Declarations of Interest: None
- Minutes of last meeting 14/11/23
These were agreed as accurate and proposed by E Glendinning, seconded by A Gallacher.
- Matters arising
- Breakerie Windfarm consultation due in by 14 Dec. Members were previously sent email and asked for any comments by 16/11/23 to V Nimmo. There was general agreement that windfarms should be confined to north of Campbeltown.
- Killean Windfarm: V Nimmo attended public meeting in Tayinloan. RES contractor, in the past has sold on windfarm with no community benefits to the local areas.
- Belltown Cour Windfarm: Various members of CCC attended their public event. They are investigating the possibility of discounted electricity for local households. EKREG involved.
- Thanks received from Monday Social Club on return of their cheque.
- War Memorial – can apply for this to be listed, British Legion? They also have funds which could be used to install a grill/guard to stop wreaths blowing away.
Action: Contact British Legion re this.
- Public Questions
- Police Report
This was circulated by email. No matters were discussed.
- Councillor’s Report
Cllr Kelly circulated her written report. See attached. This was very informative.
- Treasurer’s Report
Main account: £12,982.58 ( includes £5,000 for path, £1,700 for Town Centre Officer’s materials)
Also includes £911.70 from Argyll and Bute Council for admin and running costs
Quesada account: £510
CCWF account: £66,022.67 but some payments still to be made from November’s disbursement.
- Correspondence
- Bengullion update emailed re delayed felling of trees due to costs
- Playparks- Argyll and Bute Council have been granted funding to improve local provision. C Dobbie agreed to be contact for this.
- RWE Clachaig Windfarm- EKREG working towards CSO (Community Shared Ownership). They’ve asked for volunteer from each CC to become Director. I Mitchell volunteered, agreed unanimously that V Nimmo should be put forward.
- Sea Cadets prizegiving – invitation received to attend, J Martin already attending and will represent CCC.
- Democracy Matters
V Nimmo has invited other CCs to attend public meeting on 16/1/24. Southend, Laggan, West Kintyre have agreed and East Kintyre possible.
A grant of £300 is available from the Scottish Government to run this and A Gallacher will apply. Council Chambers not available so SKDT Hall in Kirk St to be booked 6:30-8:30pm.
V Nimmo to design posters and arrange format. C Dobbie offered to help.
Trench Point Path: Monies now received, thanks to Crown Estates, CCWF, Campbeltown Common Good Fund, Springbank, Tesco.
V Nimmo thanked A Baker and work will commence in January 2024.
Campbeltown Community Council – Councillor’s Report
Councillor Jennifer Kelly – 12th December 2023
Mobile: 07788519857
- Kilkerran Cemetery
- ACHA properties – damp/water ingress issues
- Aqualibrium Avenue crossing / unofficial crossings at Royal Hotel & Aqualibrium
- Campbeltown Flood Prevention Scheme & Water Retention Ponds
- Future meetings with Heads of Service/Chief Officers
1 – Kilkerran Cemetery
I recently attended my first MAKI area committee meeting during which a report was brought forward regarding Kilkerran Cemetery and the ongoing issue with securing a long-term solution for future cemetery provision in Campbeltown.
The report advised that the council have identified space for an additional 180 lairs in the current Kilkerran site by rerouting roads and removing some shrubbery. I asked if these 180 lairs were full depth lairs however the council officer advised that they do not know. This is very concerning as it means some may only be single depth lairs and therefore could cause both financial and emotional difficulties for families because as things stand, lairs cannot be purchased until point of need meaning that families may be separated if lairs are only single depth and neighbouring lairs cannot purchased by the family. This also obviously means costs of lair purchases and headstones could either be doubled/trebled for families. I have asked for a plan of these additional 180 lairs.
The ongoing issue of future cemetery provision for the town also does not appear to have moved any further forward. The council carried out test digs at an area at the Moy in June 2023 however they have not contacted the landowner since the digs were carried out and the land in question is no longer for sale. I brought this up with the council officer at the meeting and asked why the Moy was still noted on their report as an option.
I believe that an expansion of the current site at Kilkerran would be the best option – the council advised in their report that SEPA would not support a planning application to expand into the ground that neighbours the current Kilkerran cemetery however admitted that it was not an outright no from SEPA and rather the conditions to meet SEPAs requirements were strict. I have asked for sight of the SEPA report and will be making further enquiries re this to establish if this is potentially a cost issue rather than a planning issue.
2 – ACHA properties – damp/water ingress issues
I was made aware of various ACHA properties within the town and surrounding villages suffering from severe damp/mould and water ingress issues. Most of the properties in question house young families within infant babies of 6 months or younger. I flagged this up with ACHA’s Chief Executive at the MAKI area committee and have since followed this up an email detailing the issues and providing photos and videos of the condition of the properties. I am aware that there will be many properties facing the same issues across the area however have asked that this be investigated in terms of how ACHA attend to these issues as the tenants currently wait weeks if not months for a resolution. I have asked for a copy of the ACHA damp policy and a note of the current procedures.
3 – Aqualibrium Avenue crossing / unofficial crossings at Royal Hotel & Aqualibrium
I contacted Transport Scotland to enquire about the timescale for the installation of the new crossing point on Aqualibrium Avenue as I had previously been under the impression that this would be installed in 2024. I have been advised that it is Transport Scotland’s intention to design an “Active Travel Scheme” for Kinloch Road in 23/24 and deliver it in 24/25. They have advised that they intend to improve road drainage as well as encourage cycling and walking and make it safer. I am asking for regular updates on the progress of this scheme.
Furthermore, following my own concerns and after constituents contacting me, I also enquired about Transport Scotland’s plans for the removal of the numerous “unofficial crossing points.” I have personally seen many “near misses” at these crossing points and feel they should be removed to stop encouraging people to cross at these unsafe areas of road. Unfortunately, Transport Scotland’s response was that they plan to simply allow these markings to “fade naturally” or if the road is resurfaced for whatever reason, they will just not reinstall them. This is not good enough and something must be done before someone is injured. I would welcome the community council’s thoughts on this issue.
4 – Campbeltown Flood Prevention Scheme & Water Retention Ponds
As the recent wet weather over the weekend clearly demonstrated that the flood prevention works have failed enormously with many fields and roads around the town suffering from severe flooding. Furthermore, the water retention ponds at Meadows are causing grave concern due to the inadequate fencing surrounding them and the obvious risk that they could be accessed by members of the public, especially teenagers, children and animals, as a skate park, sports pavilion, playing field and residential properties are all in the immediate vicinity of the ponds. I am aware this has already been flagged to the council on numerous occasions. I have written to Kirsty Flannagan, Executive Director, copying in Pippa Milne, Chief Executive and Jim Smith, Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services and forwarded my email to Cllr Andrew Kain, Policy Lead for Roads & Infrastructure Services. I have asked that this matter is given their urgent attention.
5 – Future meetings with Heads of Service/Chief Officer
Argyll & Bute HSCP
Fiona Davis, Chief Officer for the HSCP has requested a meeting with me to have a general discussion and introductory chat following my election. I have set this up for January and have a number of issues I am keen to discuss with Fiona. If any community council members would like me to raise any issues/queries during this meeting I am more than happy to do so.
Heads of Service
I am arranging meetings with the Heads of Service within the council to discuss each of their services and in particular any current projects and issues regarding South Kintyre. I will be meeting with the Head of Education to determine the council’s current progress on the provision for new primary school for Campbeltown.