Campbeltown Community Council Minutes of Meeting 10/10/23
Present: J Martin ( Chair ), C Dobbie ( Minutes ), A Baker, A Gallacher, K Gillies, I Mitchell, Cllr J Armour, PC K Miller
Apologies: V Nimmo, E Glendinning, F MacPherson
JM welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Declarations of Interest: None
1. Minutes of last meeting
No letter has been sent by CCC to K Flanagan Chief Exec Argyll and Bute Council as V Nimmo was concerned about the tone of correspondence from I Mitchell.
Correction to item 10 CCC receives 1/3 share of Community Benefits from Lussa Wind from Beinn an Tuirc 3 windfarm.
Bench at hospital for Cathy Duncan is progressing
There were 4 quotes received for resurfacing/upgrading path from Trench Point to sewage works.
The minutes were then agreed.
2. J Martin distributed copies of Code of Conduct for Community Councillors before reading a statement written by V Nimmo in relation to numerous emails written by I Mitchell direct to Council Officers and copied to all members of CCC and others.
CCC members expressed serious concerns about these emails and I Mitchell’s disregard for the views of other members. After lengthy discussion the members present insisted unanimously that I Mitchell should not address emails to Council Officers as a member of CCC as he does not represent their views.
Action: I Mitchell should make it clear in all correspondence with Council Officers that he is writing in a private capacity.
3. Police Report
J Martin thanked PC K Miller for her attendance although she had not seen the written MAKI report submitted by M Shaw on 9/10/23.
She reported ongoing issues with young people congregating in groups at the bus terminus and making a nuisance of themselves. A camera may help this situation.
Drugs misuse, especially cocaine and cannabis continues to be a problem, especially for those living next to known dealers and although the police are aware of addresses, it is very difficult
to get a search warrant from the Procurator Fiscal. She asked if we could ask the general public if they have evidence to report directly to the local Police Station opening hours 7am-6pm or phone Crimestoppers 101.
4. Councillor’s Report
Cllr Armour gave an update on the road closures after the weekend’s landslides on the A83 at Cairndow and A815 at Ardfern.The A83 is being by BEAR Scotland and there is no indication when the road will re-open, the A815 is Argyll and Bute Council’s responsibility and it is estimated the road will be closed for at least 4 weeks
JM asked about the possibility of a ferry to Ardrossan being commissioned temporarily as the A82 from Crianlarich to Tarbet is not suitable for two way heavy freight traffic.
Action Cllr Armour will raise this with CALMAC
The road closures have affected bin collections with the pick up of glass bins in this area being suspended.
Medical appointments have also been affected by road closures, K Gillies informed the meeting that patients can request a “ Near Me” appointment on screen with a consultant instead of travelling to Glasgow and bloods etc can be taken at local hospital.
There is currently a review of polling districts and places being carried out.
Council Registrars are now conducting funerals in the South Kintyre area. This was piloted here due to the lack of ministers but will continue due to the positive feedback received.
Cllr Armour met with local taxi firm owners re the need for 2 taxi ranks in Main St. Status quo for present.
Argyll and Bute Council have declared a housing emergency and are carrying out a survey monkey on this subject to be completed by 31/10/23.
Action: Cllr Armour to send link for survey to C Dobbie for circulation.
Flooding – new manhole at Castlehill flooding, drains blocked outside Factory Shop, flooding in Lochend St and on Ralston Rd below junction with Limecraigs Rd
Skip at Roading for garden waste – can it be pulled away fro m wall to allow access on two sides. Action: Cllr Armour to pass on info to relevant Council Officers.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Main account £10,424.75 ( includes £5,500 for path).
Quesada account £510 W Ross been asked to re fix stone
CCWF: £99,662.67, next round of applications to be submitted by 27/10/23 and will be decided in November.
A Gallacher purchased poppy wreath for Remembrance Day service – V Nimmo to attend?
6. Correspondence
Killean Windfarm Reply to Scoping
I Mitchell had emailed V Nimmo re this. CD informed him that email had been sent to CCC members on 14/09/23 asking for views but as she had not received any replies submitted a very comprehensive response on the due date of 6/10/23.
Glenbreakerie windffarm response due by 15/10/23
Democracy Matters- response by end January 2024
JM proposed that we invite all other Community Councils in South Kintyre to discuss this and any other subjects.
Action: Discuss at next meeting
7. AOB
Speed sign no progress
Path at Trench Point : Hope to access Crown Estate Funding soon. Lowest tender to be accepted once all funding is in place then work can commence.
Living Well Fund – look into for future funding
GM Duncan and Greenlees Bequests – only available to Campbeltown residents- application forms are available in Keeping it Local and the Burnet Building
War Memorial Cllr MacPherson has asked the CCC to organise a service to mark centenary of building the war memorial. It was agreed this would be best organised by the British Legion CCWF application: C Dobbie to submit application on behalf of CCC for materials for Town Centre Maintenance Officer. This has been very successful this summer and thanks to Argyll and Bute’s Employability team and Jason McCallum from Keeping it Local.
Letters of thanks to be sent to G Rahman, J Campbell, A Smith for their help in erecting/ removing bunting in the town this summer to celebrate the King’s coronation.
Card to be sent to A Martin, former CCC member and vice chair on the passing of his wife.