Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday 22nd November 2022
Present : John Armour, Catherine Dobbie, Ann Gallacher, Catherine Anne MacAulay, Archie Millar, Valerie Nimmo and Anne Scott
Apologies : Alasdair Cousin
Chair welcomed all to the Zoom meeting.
Minutes – The minutes of the previous meeting were found correct and proposed by Ann and seconded by Catherine.
Matters arising – Valerie has amended the application form to ask that a breakdown of costs and any quotations be provided.
Valerie thanked Archie for attending the tree planting at MACC and also Archie and John for presenting the cheque to Alex McKinven at Kintyre Park. She also said she has received an invitation to visit the Monday Social Club.
Treasurer’s report
Ann will provide a breakdown showing the totals of both grants that have been allocated to date – Anne to forward this information along with minutes of this meeting.
Applications requiring further information:
Kintyre Recycling Limited
Catherine Anne mentioned concerns that Oban is mentioned but it was decided that this is for the future and since Kintyre Recycling is based in Campbeltown, the criteria is still met. After further discussion, it was agreed that £4,000.00 should be awarded.
Mull of Kintyre Music & Arts Association
The Trustees were reassured by the copy quotation provided and it was agreed to fully support this application with the sum of £4,725.00.
Valerie has suggested that in future a return date should be made for Applicants submitting further information when required.
Anne will draft a report for the Courier showing the awards that have been made and Valerie will upload this report to the CCC website and Facebook page.
Discussions followed and it was agreed that if more Windfarm money becomes available from Wind farms south of Kintyre, it would be best to leave EKREG to negotiate on our behalf and for Southend and Laggan to come under our umbrella with the addition of a Trustee from both areas.
The meeting suggested for 29th November 2022 is no longer required.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 6th June 2023
Meeting closed