Campbeltown Community Council
Minutes of Meeting 14/01/25
held in Campbeltown Town Hall
Present: J Martin (Chair), C Dobbie ( Minutes ), A Baker, A Gallacher, C McCulloch,
E Grabowska, D Allen,
In attendance: Cllr J Kean, Argyll and Bute Council
- Welcome: J Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Declaration of Interest: None
- Apologies: V Nimmo, E Glendinning
- Minutes of last meeting 10/12/24
Item 4 – 4th paragraph:
A Baker asked if the dialysis equipment supplied via local fundraising could be moved? Response changed to “could be.”
The minutes were then agreed as accurate and proposed by A Baker, seconded by A Gallacher.
Matters arising
- Meeting with Southworth Development to discuss possible investment in Campbeltown airport and runway. V Nimmo and C Dobbie attending on 22nd
- Shortage of NHS staff at Ctown Hospital still major concern – will no of beds be reduced? Will hospital become A and E only? Cllr Kean following this up with G Neal and letter to be sent from CCC for information re this.
- Visitors’ Levy. Consultation not started yet. There is a lot of opposition to this, especially from accommodation providers and CCC would urge everyone to take part in consultation.
- Speed warning signs – info from M Shaw, Police Scotland, in response to email from V Nimmo requesting a traffic survey. He has passed this on to Road Policing Supervisor, Sgt Maguire and will get back to V Nimmo. Planning dept also involved in this.
- Public Qusetions
- Police Report
None received.
- Councillor’s Report
See attached: Campbeltown Community Council Councillor’s Report Jan 25
A Baker asked why CCC doesn’t receive weekly local planning applications. This stopped in Oct 23 and all applications can be viewed online.
A Gallacher asked Cllr Kean about concerns re some pupils’ behaviour at CGS. Cllr Kean recently contacted D Hendry, Executive Director re a parent’s concerns and is meeting with J Crockett, Chief Education Officer.
C Dobbie to attend meeting on 24th January to score tenders received to refurbish local playparks.
J Martin asked for update on pavements outside Vets and Argyll Bowling Club which have had barriers in place but no work has been carried out. Cllr Kean was told surveys were required.
- Treasurer’s Report
Main account £18,076.21 includes £1152 for new Quesada Plaque, £1500 for afternoon teas, £610.20 for memorial bench for C Duncan.
Quesada account £1985.20 including sum above
CC Windfarm Fund £32,619.08 including £10,000 to be transferred to savings account.
- Correspondence
These were all circulated:
I Mitchell notified CCC of his resignation. Letter of thanks to be sent.
Rest and Be Thankful – proposed plans on display tomorrow Wed 15 Jan 1pm in Victoria Hall.
C’town Hospital Newsletter received
EV charging points – email received from member of the public to say that Springbank had installed EV chargers
National Speed Management Review drop in event is to be held on 18 Feb 3pm-7pm in Victoria Hall. Proposals include reducing limit from 60mph to 50mph on single carriageways.
J Martin informed the meeting that he attended a Ferry meeting last night and it seems likely there will be no CALMAC ferry to Campbeltown this season.