in Campbeltown Town Hall
V Nimmo, Chairperson, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
V Nimmo CCC
C Dobbie CCC
J Biggins CCC
K Gillies CCC
J Martin CCC
Cllr D Kelly Argyll & Bute Council
Sgt K Cairns Police Scotland
Members of the public
E Glendinning
D Allen
V MacBrayne
J Martin, Deputy Lt South Kintyre gave a tribute to Queen Elizabeth and a minute’s silence was observed.
A Gallacher, A Baker, L Black, CA MacAulauy, Cllr T MacPherson
None declared
Minutes of the previous meeting on 14th June were approved: Proposed by JB, seconded by KG.
Emergency Plan – KG following this up.
Jubilee Afternoon Tea – JM will hand over cheque to AG.
CCWFT – £47,000 disbursed to 17 different organisations who all returned forms agreeing to the conditions of the grants. An advert will be placed in Campbeltown Courier and on Facebook page on 23rd September for next round of funding. Now have someone who has agreed to take on admin duties for this group.
Secretary for CCC – agreed that VN and CD draw up a job description for this and VN will contact Argyll College to see if any student would be interested. An honorarium will be paid.
*Seawalls – CD reported esplanade works 90% completed but there are at least 4 holes which have not been repaired. Low Askomil seawall at sewage pumping station – still no repairs.
*Sculpture on Quarry Green – supposed to be completed next week and fencing to be removed.
*Town Centre traffic management – still no response.
*These items were raised by VN at recent MAKI Community Planning Group but Cllr Kelly advised that MAKI Area Committee Meetings are a more useful forum to highlight such issues, although the frequency is only 4 times per year.
Cllr Kelly gave following report.
- £16 million flood prevention scheme has now commenced, 80% funded by Scottish Gov, 20% by Argyll and Bute Council. Yard has been built at Hillside Playing field and works will commence at Meadows. Sub-contract has been awarded to McFadyen’s Contractors, good news for local employment. Concern that holding tank to be installed at Burnside Square will not be able to withstand weight of heavy vehicles in the future. Meeting agreed that the square should become a multi-purpose area combining car parking with recreational/event venue.
- CARS – Campbeltown already has had 2 CARS schemes, but more work is required, in particular the futures of the Old Post Office and the White Hart Hotel. Cllr Kelly has contacted Fyne Homes re converting the old PO into flats and has asked the Council to make a compulsory purchase order. Sgt Cairns informed the meeting that in the past, youngsters were accessing the WHH through a gate and fire escape, then putting themselves at risk of falling through rotten floors, but the owner has now sealed the property.
- Bolgam St Toilets in dire need of upgrading, Cllr Kelly pursuing.
- Kilkerran Cemetery has only 187 lairs left. Council tried to secure adjacent farmland but SEPA objected. Will get update after next Area Committee Meeting.
- Kintyre Seasports has been granted planning permission but still need further funding. Balance of CHORD funding to be used.
£6,340.24 in main account
£510.00 in Quesada account.
£300 remaining in the Town Centre Maintenance fund.
£106,478.99 in CCWF account.
Sgt K Cairns gave following figures for CCC area for the month of August:
1 vandalism, 4 disorders, 4 road traffic offences, 1fraud, 8 assaults, 3 misuse of drugs. JB asked about cases of possession with intent to supply but there are no figures for this. It is increasingly more difficult to get sheriff’s warrants.
She also informed the meeting that there are a number of vacancies at present and it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit partly due to a lack of affordable housing, hence there is a current recruitment drive to attract locals. Sgt Cairns’ previous role has not been filled- Schools Community Liaison Officer including leading the Police Cadets.
This was circulated by email
Letters of resignation. Community Councillors CA MacAulay and L Black have both resigned from the CC and VN and all the other members would like to thank them for their contributions over the past 4 years.
Air Service Survey Campbeltown to Glasgow online.
Erighael/ Tangy windfarms consultation from SSE.
CalMac online consultation re timetables for next summer using Troon instead of Ardrossan. Agreed that only direct sailings should be timetabled, no stops at Brodick on Sat mornings.
Dalriata Distillery planning permission has been applied for.
Climate Action actions. Cllr Kelly suggested that J Westerman, A and B Council’s Project Officer for Home Energy Efficiency be invited to deliver a presentation to the CC. This was agreed.
Housing in Campbeltown S Byrne has contacted the CC to ask if he can deliver a presentation to the CC and this was agreed.
- Path from Trench Point to sewage works. VN has applied for funding from Paths for All who can award up to 70% of total costs. She has also applied to Tesco Community Grant but her application to MACC was rejected. Applications to the Common Good Fund and the CCWF will also be made shortly. The Woodland Trust will supply 105 trees free of charge.
- Car parking – shortage highlighted – CD agreed to write to Fergus Murray, Head of Economic Development and Jim Smith, Head of Roads and Amenity Services, both of Argyll and Bute Council to ask for Council support re this. Possible site could be to extend Aqualibrium car park. Crown Estate Funding is still unused for Campbeltown.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 11th October at 7.30pm in the Town Hall.