Campbeltown Community Council Meeting – 14th January 2020
7:30pm at Campbeltown Town Hall
Welcome – A Baker (Chairperson) welcomed everyone to the March meeting of Campbeltown Community council and wished everyone a Happy New Year.
In Attendance:
Cllr R Colville
A. Martin
J. Woods
L. Black
Declaration of Interest:
Minutes of Last Meeting(s)
November Taken as read, proposed By: CD Seconded By: CAM
December, proposed By: JM Seconded By: CD
Matters Arising:
MAKI Meeting CAM and VN to attend and will bring up issue that was brought up by Vice Chair A Martin on the state of the road entering the town that had been stated in previous meetings that was to be repaired last year to Transport Scotland who will also be in attendance
Police Scotland Report:
No Police presence due to Operational requirements.
Crimes Reported – 25
- 3 Assaults
- 3 Road Traffic (1 x Drink Driving, 2 x No Insurance)
- 2 Drugs possession
- 5 Thefts
- Fixed Penalty 3
- Anti Social Behaviour 1
- Formal Adult Warning
- 1 Fixed Penalty for no MOT
Argyll & Bute Council Report:
No ABC Presence Cllr Colville sends his apologies.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Main Account £12,716
- Quesada Memorial Fund £510
- £4,500 for Campbeltown Cross
- £916 From ABC yearly grant.
- The CC is still waiting for a micro grant from SSE. CD – will find out by the end of January if we will receive grant funding from Historic Scotland
- Helicopter Pad – NHS Highland dragging their feet and wanting to use one of their own contractors and this could come in higher this could cause issue with the charity dealing with the helipad.
- Forestry Commission– planning civil works for felling trees, road building in December 2019 and felling starting in January 2020. There was an offer of a visit to CCC but it was felt that at this time it was not required.
- VN & AB will be attending EKREG meeting in the Town Hall on 23rd Jan and will report back.
- The Secretary handed in his notice and will step down as both a member and secretary at the AGM in April/ May time. This could mean a change of date if we change venue or require a bigger room.
Report back from other groups:
- SB consultation on housing in Scotland to 2040 Steve will email AM who will pass out to members.
- JM – MACC – nothing of note at the moment
- JM – Ferry Committee meeting on 24th Jan
Any Other Business:
- Senior Citizens Concert Saturday 1st February 2020 – 150 tickets and 12 Posters ordered the tickets can be picked up at Fresh Connections or
McIlcheres on Main St.
A letter will be made and SB will hand out to local business asking for donations.
Artists confirmed.
Catering will be supplied by Argyll Bakeries and the order has been cut down from last year to reduce wastage at the end of the concert.
Members are asked to supply a raffle prize. There will be help from the Local Sea Cadet Unit. - SKDT now no longer take year in advance bookings and are now operating a 3 monthly system which has caused the CC to be given a smaller room as the Bridge Club require the larger chamber. The other option is to move to the SKDT Hall (Old Red Cross Hall) or another venue such as the Picture House or Aqualibrium. With the Secretary standing down the date could change back to a Monday and the CC could maybe get the larger room. It was decided that the CCC will take the next 3 Months to the AGM and decide then.
- CCC has been informed that recently all 15 beds in Campbeltown Hospital were occupied and a patient was sent back to Kintyre Care Home as there was no bed available. The members felt that despite assurances from Charlotte Craig that if required the bed capacity could be raised to
21 this had not happened. The secretary will write to C. Craig pointing out this discrepancy and also that the decision to appoint a CC member to join the LPG has been put on hold. - JM- the lighting on Witchburn Rd has been reported but nothing has been done about it AM will contact local Cllrs for them to chase up.
- JM- The high unemployment in the South Kintyre area is concerning there has been no importance made of it in the national press and there is nothing in the pipeline at the moment. The CC is very concerned at the situation.
Public Questions:
No public in attendance.
Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 14th April 2020 – at 7:30pm – Campbeltown Town Hall.