Campbeltown Community Council
Minutes of Meeting 9/01/24
held in Campbeltown Town Hall (to be approved)
Present: V Nimmo ( Chair) C Dobbie ( Minutes ), J Martin, A Baker, A Gallacher, E Glendinning, K Gillies, I Mitchell, Cllr J Armour, Cllr T MacPherson
Also in attendance: 20 members of public
Apologies: D Allen
Welcome: V Nimmo welcomed everyone to the meeting in particular those members of the public.
Presentation: Syed Ali Kazam, Idreece Khan and Zain Younis introduced themselves as three pharmacists who plan to open an independent pharmacy in Campbeltown. They spoke of their progress to date and the process involved in opening a pharmacy. A consultation will be held soon by NHS Highland lasting 90 days both online and by paper questionnaires. They answered questions and received very positive feedback and support by all in attendance.
Declarations of Interest: None
- Minutes of last meeting 12/12/23
One amendment to minutes from A Gallacher – £5,500 for Jubilee Path, not £5,000. The minutes were then agreed as accurate and proposed by J Martin, seconded by A Baker.
- Matters arising
- Breakerie Windfarm: V Nimmo had circulated comments she had sent and the Fbook and website page will be updated.
- War Memorial – V Nimmo couldn’t find contact details for British Legion. Cllr MacPherson agreed to contact G Rahman re installation of a grill/guard to stop wreaths blowing away.
- Councillor’s Report: V Nimmo to write to Transport Scotland re crossing points at the Cross and the Coop, and to A&B Council re fencing around flood pits.
- Public Questions
Addressed to pharmacists after presentation.
- Police Report
None received.
- Councillor’s Report
Cllr Armour gave the following report:
- Housing Emergency- At present there are 1300 long term empty properties in Argyll and Bute.
Council Tax will be doubled for holiday homes which numbered 3,235 in 23/24.
- Cycle Path: still chasing up signage and have suggested bollards at each end of paths to prevent vehicles using them.
- Houses at Dalintober have now been approved for demolition to be replaced by approx. 20 new homes
- CGS: Cllr Armour had been approached by concerned parents re level of staff absence and lack of contingency plans. He has communicated with the Head of Service. Some staff, including the current HT are on temporary contracts and this has led to staff leaving for permanent positions elsewhere. The permanent Headteacher’s post will be advertised at the end of this month.
Action: V Nimmo agreed to write to Head of Service expressing concerns.
- Burnside Square: An Open Day is to be held at the end of the January to involve the public as to final plans. No date or info yet.
J Martin asked Cllr Armour re no of broken streetlights in Main St, this has already been reported. Also the road sign at the airbase end of the Moss Rd which could cause an accident.
I Mitchell asked Cllr Armour if he would submit a written report to the CC but Cllr Armour declined.
- Treasurer’s Report
Main account: £17,910.14 (includes £10,500 for path, £1,700 for Town Centre Officer’s materials)
Quesada account: £510
CCWF account: £66,022.67 but some payments still to be made from November’s disbursement.
- Correspondence
- Scottish Power Renewables Report included 2 local projects supported by CCWF – Preloved to Reloved and Kintyre Weigh.
- MAKI meeting: V Nimmo unable to attend, no one available.
- Democracy Matters
V Nimmo has circulated posters and advertised in Courier, Fbook, radio. Hope all CCC members will attend on 16/1/24 at 6:30pm in SKDT Hall. £160 received from Scot Gov to help towards costs. C Dobbie has taken questions from Scot Gov and Keeping it Local will print. E Glendinning in charge of catering.
- Trench Point Path: Work will start 15/1/24. Structural engineer to survey bridge to be built by DM Fabrication. Cllr Armour congratulated V Nimmo and A Baker on their work to reach this stage. Households have been notified. One letter of concern re rare plants. Action: V Nimmo to reply.
- Upgrade of playparks: C Dobbie updated on meeting with Hugh O Neill, A and B Council and all works to be completed by March 2026. Passed on contact for Stewarton.
- Climate Action group: E Glendiining attends meetings and will circulate minutes.
- Windfarms: Lussa Board meeting 23Jan- V Nimmo to attend
EKREG meeting 23 Jan – V Nimmo and I Mitchell to attend
- Substance misuse: several evictions have been carried out leading to less anti social behavior.
- Campbeltown Town Hall’s Christmas Decorations were outstanding and B Cairns and W Durnan to be congratulated for all their hard work.