Your local community representatives have formed a liaison group with ScottishPower Renewables and their contractor Roadbridge.
We are working in collaboration to ensure that local concerns are addressed in timely and efficient manner. If you have any concerns that you would like to raise to the group, please contact one of the local representatives below and they will raise this matter on your behalf:
- Cllr John Armour, South Kintyre phone 07766 970672
- Cllr Anne Horn, Kintyre & Islands phone 07557 939148
- Margaret Pratt, Convener West Kintyre Community Council phone 07506 833280
- Ian Brodie, Convener East Kintyre Community Council 07884 470460
- Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council Phone 07957 771738
- Hamish Kelly, Community Liaison Officer ScottishPower Renewables Phone 07517 800967